
发表 2016-2021


移植是医学中最受监管的领域,需要对临床和非临床问题有详细的了解,才能在竞争激烈的领域取得成功。器官和组织移植是一系列的七卷,将审查科学,行政和监管问题,使当代移植计划成功。七卷将分别处理以下问题:肝、肾、胰腺、小肠、心脏、肺和骨髓移植。这个系列提供了全面的评论最关键和挑衅方面的实体器官移植。这将是一个独特的信息来源和指导当前这一代移植外科医生从单纯的临床医生演变为精通移植管理各个方面的管理人员。由于单一移植需要不同学科的一大群卫生保健提供者的努力,该系列丛书解决了每个人的需求和问题,包括外科医生,肝病专家,麻醉师,缓和护理专家,免疫学家,传染病专家,内科医生,放射科医生,科学家、移植协调员、金融专家、流行病学家、管理人员和律师。该系列丛书的章节涵盖了捐赠者(活体和尸体:完整和分裂)以及移植受者手术的各个方面。术前检查,以及术后免疫抑制管理,以及复发性疾病的治疗均作详细说明。单独的章节专门讨论有争议的问题。 The series goes beyond the analysis of the formal medical and surgical aspects of transplantation and introduces deep knowledge on key aspects of contemporary transplant programs, such as physical rehabilitation, palliative care, pregnancy, the multiple requirements of regulatory agencies ruling transplantation, quality measurements for transplant programs, finance, liability and the administration of an effective transplant program. The series analyzes and reviews medical as well as surgical issues related to transplantation in all its forms. Each book dedicates sections to every subspecialty collaborating in the success of transplantation. Differently from previously published books in this field the series dissects organizational issues that are vital to the good performance of transplant programs.