
发表 2015-2021


本系列关注整个人类定居点——从农村到城市,在世界的不同地区,这样的问题:什么因素导致人居和指导的过程变化的性格从农村到城市,从村庄城镇和村庄,城市和大城市吗?这个过程随着时间和空间的不同而不同吗?如何不同,为什么不同?农村生活有未来吗?农村居民点是否有可能发展工业,如何发展?为什么会发生“城市收缩”?是农村地区正在城市化,还是城市地区正在经历“乡村化”(以服务不足的贫民窟的形式)?“特大城市地区”面临的挑战是什么?这些挑战可以/正在如何解决?是什么驱动着人类住区的经济活力?以城市为基础的经济增长模式是寻求可持续发展的唯一答案吗?还是迫切需要在经济增长与生态系统恢复和保护之间取得平衡,以实现人类生境的未来可持续性?什么样的新技术有助于实现人类住区的可持续发展? What sort of changes in the current planning, management and governance of human settlements are needed to face the changing environment including the climate and increasing disaster risks? What is the uniqueness of the new ‘socio-cultural spaces’ that emerge in human settlements, and how they change over time? As rural settlements become urban, are the new ‘urban spaces’ resulting in the loss of rural life and ‘socio-cultural spaces’? What is leading the preservation of rural ‘socio-cultural spaces’ within the urbanizing world, and how? What is the emerging nature of the rural-urban interface, and what factors influence it? What are the emerging perspectives that help understand the human-environment-culture complex through the study of human settlements and the related ecosystems, and how do they transform our understanding of cultural landscapes and ‘waterscapes’ in the 21st Century? What else is and/or likely to be new vis-à-vis human settlements – now and in the future? The Series, therefore, welcomes contributions with fresh cognitive perspectives to understand the new and emerging realities of the 21st Century human settlements. Such perspectives will include a multidisciplinary analysis, constituting of the demographic, spatio-economic, environmental, technological, and planning, management and governance lenses.


Bharat Dahiya (bharatdahiya@gmail.com)或
